Cura Design are Designers of Architecture, Buildings, and Places that enhance and protect biodiversity and our living world that in turn, enhance our well being .
Do you feel overwhelmed by species extinction, biodiversity loss and climate change? We do.
Are you frustrated that there is so little of a concerted effort in architectural design to adress more than just carbon? We are.
How would you feel if there were a few small actions you could take in your architecture project that could make a big difference to wildlife and to nature AND to your well being? This excites us too.
Architecture and building have a massive impact on the natural environment, from small residential projects to big commercial projects. Lets EFFECT CHANGE! Lets work together to implement simple, easy, and cost effective ways to value and protect nature and biodiversity in the way we design and build our buildings and places!
The common thread that runs through all our projects are a love of nature and a love of life.
Biophilic Design
CURA 如何定義親生物設計
“研究自然,熱愛自然,親近自然。它永遠不會讓你失望”(弗蘭克·勞埃德·賴特來自“萊特風格”卡拉林德 1992)
Cura Design 相信建築是原始的——因為它的精神與周圍的景觀和自然密不可分。 Cura Design 執行的所有項目在某種程度上都是親生物的。簡而言之,親生物設計力求在兩個方面做到最好。首先,在項目所在的任何地方保護和增強自然和生物多樣性;其次,通過與自然和周圍環境的更好聯繫來增進人類福祉。我們相信這種方法對於我們的身體健康、精神健康以及地球現在和未來的健康至關重要。
這種方法對於不同的項目有不同的結果。有時可以指定價格合理且典型的現代渲染空腔結構,其他時候可以使用被動房屋細部、綠色屋頂、大麻混凝土或傳統的棒子或土牆技術。對於 Cura Design 而言,這兩個親生物設計租戶可以在任何預算、任何質量衡量標準和任何時間框架內實現。
最近的研究表明,全球 76 億人口僅佔所有生物的 0.01%,卻造成了 83% 的野生哺乳動物和一半的植物,而寵物和牲畜卻比比皆是。 野生動物數量減少的主要原因(68%) ) 是人類進行的棲息地退化和棲息地開發。
從歷史上看,絕大多數建築行業都通過故意製作基於圖像的設計來支持這種“一切照舊”的系統,這些設計捕捉了我們的想像力,但在此過程中破壞了我們自然環境的現實。自 1950 年代以來,該行業的大多數及其機構都未能實現其最基本的宗旨——創造一個更美好的世界。