Credit:: Biophilic Design the architecture of Life,
Cura Design are Designers of Architecture, Buildings, and Places that enhance and protect biodiversity and our living world that in turn, enhance our well being .
Do you feel overwhelmed by species extinction, biodiversity loss and climate change? We do.
Are you frustrated that there is so little of a concerted effort in architectural design to adress more than just carbon? We are.
How would you feel if there were a few small actions you could take in your architecture project that could make a big difference to wildlife and to nature AND to your well being? This excites us too.
Architecture and building have a massive impact on the natural environment, from small residential projects to big commercial projects. Lets EFFECT CHANGE! Lets work together to implement simple, easy, and cost effective ways to value and protect nature and biodiversity in the way we design and build our buildings and places!
The common thread that runs through all our projects are a love of nature and a love of life.